With being in a wedding this weekend that includes Friday and Saturday and going to the Bengals game on Sunday, I held June home from the sitter on Thursday and decided we needed a daddy daughter day. I put the cell phone on silent and pretty much tried to leave it in the car or in the house anytime we went anywhere. It’s amazing how much more attentive and present in the moment you can be when you don’t have other distractions around. I highly recommend it. Like everyone tells me everyday twice a day, these days go by faster than you think. And it’s okay if you want to be the one who tells me for the third time that day. I’ll take as many reminders to slow things down as I can get.
We hit VOA, fed some ducks, waved at some old people, and played on the playground. Being the only dad at the playground, it just felt like all the mom’s were looking at me like I was some sort of creep. This might be the paranoia speaking but it definitely felt like I threw them through a loop! I just waved and smiled at them like any creep would do.
But the best part, lunch! After the park we headed over to Liberty Center to McK’s BBQ. I know this is a little thing but the cornbread there with maple butter. That butter’s so good it will make you wanna slap your momma. But I didn’t because she’s watching June this weekend.

I’ve been there many times and have been wanting to try the Spicy Chicken Sandwich and what’s held me back has been that the last line in the description says, Ghost pepper is spicy, no refunds. So what the hell, let’s make things interesting. I feel like I’m an average Joe when it comes to spicy food. I enjoy spicy food but you won’t see me inhaling 10 blazing wings at Buffalo Wild Wings either. It was spicy. It was as spicy as I could take and still enjoy my food. Take my advice, if you think because you order the spicy chicken at Wendy’s that this will be a walk in the park, it’s not. There’s definitely some heat and again, if you’re like me, make sure your drink is topped off before your indulge. Long story short, if you do enjoy spicy food, it’s definitely worth a try.
The grade. Mike, get to the grade. I hear ya. Listen, I’m a big fan of McK’s as well as a huge fan of the whole BBQ cuisine. From June’s creamy mac and cheese, the delicious fried chicken topped with ghost pepper sauce, the sweet and bold BBQ sauce that June used to dip her quesadilla in… I gotta go with an 8.7. It’s really good but I have also had some things that could be a little better or maybe have had better elsewhere. But so excited to have them in our backyard.
Who Dey. Beat the squealers.
Mike “Sunday is Who Dey Weghorst